What is Microsoft SQL Operations Studio?


SQL Operations Studio is a free, light-weight data management tool that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, for managing SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse;

Download and Install instruction for SQL Operations Studio Public Preview available here: Download SQL Operations Studio

Below is the feature list of SQL Operations Studio:

  • Cross-Platform DB management for Windows, macOS and Linux with simple XCopy deployment
  • SQL Server Connection Management with Connection Dialog, Server Groups, and Registered Servers


  • Object Explorer supporting schema browsing and contextual command execution


  • T-SQL Query Editor with advanced coding features such as autosuggestions, error diagnostics, tooltips, formatting and peek definition.

    T-SQL Query Intellisense

  • Query Results Viewer with advanced data grid supporting large result sets, export to JSON\CSV\Excel, query plan and charting

    Query Results Viewer

  • Management Dashboard supporting customizable widgets with drill-through actionable insights
  • Visual Data Editor that enables direct row insertion, update and deletion into tables
  • Backup and Restore dialogs that enables advanced customization and remote file system browsing, configured tasks can be executed or scripted
  • Task History window to view current task execution status, completion results with error messages and task T-SQL scripting
  • Scripting support to generate CREATE, SELECT and DROP statements for database objects
  • Workspaces with full Git integration and Find In Files support to managing T-SQL script libraries
  • Modern light-weight shell with theming, user settings, full screen support, integrated terminal and numerous other features

T-SQL code snippets

It also provides T-SQL code snippets which generate the proper T-SQL syntax to create databases, tables, views, stored procedures, users, logins, roles, etc., and to update existing database objects. To learn more, see Create and use code snippets.

sql snippet

(T-SQL) IntelliSense

SQL Operations Studio offers a modern, keyboard-focused T-SQL coding experience like SQL Server Management Studio that makes your everyday tasks easier with built-in features, such as multiple tab windows, a rich T-SQL editor, IntelliSense, keyword completion, code snippets, code navigation, and source control integration (Git).

Connection management (server groups)

Server groups provide a way to organize and share connection information for the servers and databases you work with. For details, see Server groups.

Integrated Terminal

Use your favorite command-line tools (for example, Bash, PowerShell, sqlcmd, bcp, and ssh) in the Integrated Terminal window right within the SQL Operations Studio (preview) user interface. To learn about the integrated terminal, see Integrated terminal.

Integrated Terminal

Information from MSOS documentation: Microsoft SQL Operations Studio


It is a nice lightweight cross platform tool for SQL Developers and DBAs. I found it very intuitive and easy to use for managing database. Nice step by Microsoft toward OSS and cross platform development using such good Electron based tool rather SQL Server 2017 is also cross platform

Introduction to Angular 4 and TypeScript- Your First Angular App

In this article, you are going to learn that how to create and run an Angular application using Angular CLI.


  • Introduction
    • What is Angular?
    • Why do we need Angular?
    • Architecture and Building Blocks of Angular Apps
  • Setting Up the Development Environment
  • =>Your First Angular App
  • Structure of Angular Projects
  • Webpack
  • TypeScript Fundamentals
    • What is TypeScript?
    • Creating First TypeScript Program
    • Declaring Variables
    • Types
    • Type Assertions
    • Arrow Functions
    • Interfaces
    • Classes
    • Objects
    • Constructors
    • Access Modifiers
    • Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
    • Properties
    • Modules
  • Angular Fundamentals
    • Creating Components
    • Generating Components Using Angular CLI
    • Templates
    • Directives
    • Services
    • Dependency Injection
    • Generating Services Using Angular CLI
  • Exercise

Angular CLI is the new approach to work with Angular. It helps to create new projects as well as deployment of the packages through command line interface(CLI). In this article we install Angular CLI using node package manager and then create a new Angular 4 project.

Creating a new Angular Project
To create a new Angular project, first you must setup your development environment and the Angular CLI which can be configured using below command.

npm install -g @angular/cli

Now open the command prompt and go to the directory where you want to create your first Angular application. Now run below command on the command prompt.
ng new Angular4App


After ng new xxxxxx, this xxxxxx is the application name which all depend on you that what you want to name your application.
Now open current project folder in Visual Studio Code by running below command:
code .


Finally, it is the time to check if your newly created application is running or not. To run your first application switch back to command prompt and run “ng server” command within project directory. Below is the command to run the Angular server which package and load the current application on the server so that you can run it in the browser.

ng server


After running this command, you will see in the output window where you will find that Angular live development server is listening on “localhost:4200” So go to the browser and type “localhost:4200” and you will find that your application is running as seen in above image.

Along this you will see a message in last that webpack: compiled successfully. In the next article We will discuss about webpack and project structure.

In this article you have learned to create and run an Angular project using Angular CLI.

Previous: Setting Up the Development Environment Next: Structure of Angular Projects