How to deploy an Angular app to GitHub Pages


In this article, you will learn to deploy an Angular application to GitHub Pages using npm angular-cli-ghpages package to easily.


This command has the following prerequisites for Installation & Setup:

  • Node.js 8.2.0 or higher which brings you npm 5.2.0 which brings you npx
  • Git 1.7.6 or higher
  • optional: Angular project created via angular-cli

  • An Angular 5 or above version application, which is working and ready to host. If it is not ready then follow the instructions specified in the below link for adding an existing angular project to GitHub. Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line


Deploy to GitHub Pages angular-cli-ghpages 
Deploying Angular Apps with GitHub Pages

Steps to deploy to GitHub pages

To install the command run the following:

npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages

It is just two command to publish your Angular application to GitHub pages.

ng build --prod --base-href https://[username][repo]/
ngh --dir=dist/

Deploying using the Angular npm scripts

You can also automatically publish an application using npm by setting script in package.json. The build and deploy command in one go by following the below approach:

To install the command as your project dependencies run the following:

npm i angular-cli-ghpages --save-dev

Open your package.json and then, in your script section add the following script to deploy an Angular 7 application.

  "name": "ng-webgl",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "build": "ng build",
    "test": "ng test",
    "lint": "ng lint",
    "e2e": "ng e2e",
    "deploy:gh": "ng b --prod --base-href && npx ngh --dir=dist/"

To execute this deploy script. Run npm run deploy:gh on the root of your project directory.

Publish Github-pages

Note: In order to compile images correctly use the relative path './assets/images/image.png'


There are the steps to publish Angular application the GitHub pages.

How to remove TFS workspace mapping for a user


In this article, you will know how to remove TFS workspace mapping for a different user. In a remote environment, multiple users log in to a remote machine and create their workspaces that cause an access conflict for the mapped workspace folder.


Today I faced an issue while trying to update a mapped TFS workspace in Visual Studio 2017. Visual Studio stops responding if I try to open “Source Control Explorer” and found that some different TFS user connects to TFS and mapped some folders on my local drive. Now I need to access that mapped workspace folder because I do not want to create another folder for myself.

I tried mapping same remote folder to my existing local folder and I got the following error:

“The working folder ‘Workspace_Folder_Local_Path’ is already in use by the workspace WORKSPACE_NAME:USER_NAME on computer ‘MACHINE_NAME’”

Remove TFS workspace user mapping

  • You should have administrative rights to the collection.
  • TF command. ( it is located at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE” depend upon your Visual Studio version.

Steps to remove user workspace mapping
  • Run “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017” from the Start menu.
  • List the workspaces associated with the user using the below command:
      TF workspaces /collection:"http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/collection_name" /owner:owner_id

    This will return the list of workspaces owned by the user and computer they are associated with. For owner_id, you use the user name e.g. Niranjan Singh

  • To remove user workspace mapping, run the below command:
      tf workspace /delete workspacename;owner_id 

    Now it will confirm you to delete the user mapping. Enter 'y' to initiate the process.

    Remove TFS Workspace Mapping for a user


These are the steps to delete the TFS workspace mapping for a user.