Securing .NET Web Applications with Authentication: Harnessing the Power of Social Media Provider Authentication


In today's interconnected world, users expect a seamless and secure login experience on websites and applications. Social media provider authentication, such as Google Authentication, offers a convenient and trusted way for users to access your application using their existing social media accounts. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to integrate Google Authentication into your ASP.NET Core application step by step.


Before we dive into the implementation, make sure you have the following:

  1. Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code installed on your system.
  2. An ASP.NET Core web application project was created.

Step 1: Install the Required NuGet Package

The first step is to install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Google NuGet package into your ASP.NET Core project. This package provides the necessary tools for integrating Google Authentication.

Open the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio, search for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Google, and install the latest stable version.

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Google

Step 2: Configure Google Authentication

To enable Google Authentication in your application, you need to set up the necessary credentials on the Google Developer Console. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Google Developer Console.

  2. Create a new project or select an existing one.

  3. Set up the consent screen by providing the required information, including the application name, support email, and domain.


  4. Add authorized JavaScript origins and redirect URIs for your application. Make sure to include both the development and production URLs.

  5. Under the "Scopes" section, add the necessary scopes, such as emailprofile, and openid.1 

  6. Save your changes and publish the app.

  7. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials by going to "Credentials" and selecting "Create credentials" > "OAuth client ID." Choose the application type as "Web application" and configure the redirect URIs.

  8. After creating the OAuth client ID, note down the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" values.


Step 3: Configure Your ASP.NET Core Application

Now, let's configure your ASP.NET Core application to use Google Authentication. Open your appsettings.json file and add the Google Authentication settings:

  "Authentication": {
    "Google": {
      "ClientId": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
      "ClientSecret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"
  // Other application settings...

Replace "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" and "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" with the values you obtained from the Google Developer Console.

Step 4: Enable Google Authentication in Your App

In your ASP.NET Core application, navigate to the Program.cs file. Inside the CreateHostBuilder method, add the following code to enable Google Authentication:

    .AddGoogle(options =>
        options.ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientId"];
        options.ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientSecret"];

This code configures the authentication services to use Google Authentication and sets the client ID and client secret from your appsettings.json file.

Step 5: Run Your Application

With Google Authentication configured, you can start your ASP.NET Core application. You should now see the "Use other services to log in" option on your login page, with Google as one of the available choices.

Click the "Google" button, and a popup will appear, prompting you to sign in with your Google account. After signing in, you'll be redirected back to your application, logged in, and authenticated via Google.


Integrating Google Authentication into your ASP.NET Core application provides users with a convenient and secure way to access your services without creating additional accounts. This enhances the user experience and can boost user engagement on your platform.

Exploring Common Security Vulnerabilities: Defending Against XSS and CSRF Attacks in ASP.NET Core


Security vulnerabilities are weaknesses within software or hardware systems that malicious actors can exploit to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or compromise the integrity of a system. This article will delve into two of the most prevalent security vulnerabilities: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. We’ll explore how these vulnerabilities can affect your ASP.NET Core applications and, more importantly, how to defend against them effectively.

Understanding XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Attacks

XSS attacks are among the most common threats to web applications. Hackers inject malicious client-side scripts into a legitimate website or web application in these attacks. These scripts can then execute within the context of a user’s browser, potentially leading to advanced attacks, including:

  • Cookie Theft: Malicious scripts can steal user cookies, compromising session data.
  • Phishing: Attackers can impersonate trusted sites, tricking users into divulging sensitive information.
  • Key Logging: Capturing keystrokes can reveal login credentials and other sensitive data.
  • Identity Theft: Stolen user information can be used for identity theft and fraud.

Prevention Strategies for XSS Attacks

The key to preventing XSS attacks is thorough input validation and output encoding. In ASP.NET Core, you can implement these strategies using Razor Pages or Views. Here’s an example of how to encode user input to prevent XSS:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html
@model string

<!-- Encoding user input to prevent XSS -->

By using @Html.Encode, you ensure that user input is HTML-encoded, rendering any injected scripts harmless.

Understanding CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) Attacks

CSRF attacks occur when attackers use authenticated user sessions to send unauthorized requests from unauthenticated users to web applications or sites. These attacks can be challenging to detect because they exploit the trust between the user and the website. Here’s a real-world example to illustrate CSRF:

Imagine logging into a website and playing a game where you collect coins. An attacker might trick you into giving up your coins without your knowledge. They could send a link or button that appears to be part of the game but is, in fact, a trick. When you click it, your web app or computer performs actions you didn’t intend, such as transferring your coins to the attacker.

Prevention Strategies for CSRF Attacks

Defending against CSRF attacks requires a combination of techniques:

  1. Same-Site Cookies: Implement same-site cookie attributes to restrict which cookies can accompany a request. This ensures that cookies are only sent with requests from the same origin.

  2. User Interaction: After login or when sensitive actions are performed, request reauthentication or present CAPTCHA challenges to users.

  3. One-Time Tokens: Use one-time tokens to verify the legitimacy of requests. Tokens are generated for each action and can only be used once.

  4. Custom Request Headers: For API endpoints, require custom request headers. Users can only add these headers using JavaScript and must add them within their origin.

ASP.NET Core Configuration for Security

Before diving into XSS and CSRF prevention details, let’s configure our ASP.NET Core application to enhance security. Open your Startup.cs file and locate the ConfigureServices method. We’ll add the necessary services for security:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Other configurations here

    // Add Antiforgery service for CSRF protection
    services.AddAntiforgery(options => options.HeaderName = "X-CSRF-TOKEN");

    // Other configurations here

In this code snippet, we’re adding the Antiforgery service to enable CSRF protection. We also specify the header name to be used for CSRF tokens.

Next, locate the Configure method in Startup.cs. We’ll configure CORS to prevent cross-origin security issues:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    // Other middleware configurations here

    // Configure CORS
    app.UseCors(builder =>

    // Other middleware configurations here

This code configures CORS to allow requests only from the trusted site “” You can adjust the origins as needed for your application.


This article explored two common security vulnerabilities, XSS and CSRF attacks, and discussed how they can impact your ASP.NET Core applications. By configuring your application for security and implementing preventive measures such as data encoding, anti-forgery tokens, and CORS policies, you can significantly enhance your application’s resistance to these threats.

Remember that staying vigilant and proactive in the ever-evolving web security landscape is essential. Implement the recommended strategies and keep your ASP.NET Core applications secure against these common security vulnerabilities.

Exploring Common Security Vulnerabilities: Unpacking File Upload Attacks in ASP.NET Core


In today's digital landscape, allowing users to upload files to your web application is a common requirement. Whether profile pictures, CVs, or other documents, file uploads enhance user experience. However, with this convenience comes a host of security risks that developers must be aware of and proactively mitigate. This article will explore the risks associated with file uploads in ASP.NET Core and learn how to secure our applications against potential threats.

Understanding File Upload Risks

When you permit users to upload files to your web application, you expose it to several security risks:

1. Unauthorized Uploads: Any user can upload files without proper authentication and authorization checks, potentially compromising your system's integrity.

2. Malicious Content: Even authenticated users might upload malicious files containing exploits, malware, or scripts that can compromise your server or infect other users' machines.

3. File Overwrites: File overwrites can occur when a file with the same name and extension as an existing file is uploaded. This situation can lead to data loss, unauthorized access, or server-side attacks if the overwritten file is critical to your application's functionality.

4. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Users can upload large files that overwhelm your server, causing a denial of service (DoS) and disrupting your application's availability. Large files can consume server resources and slow down or crash your application.

Mitigating File Upload Risks

To protect your ASP.NET Core application from these risks, you can implement the following security measures:

1. Authentication and Authorization: Allow only authenticated users to upload files. If needed, you can restrict uploads to specific roles, such as admins or operators.

public IActionResult Upload(IFormFile file)
    // File upload logic

2. File Extension Validation: Verify and allow only specific file extensions. For example, you can restrict uploads to PDF and TXT files.

[RequestSizeLimit(10 * 1024)] // Limit file size to 10 KB
[AllowedExtensions(new string[] { ".pdf", ".txt" })] // Validate file extensions
public IActionResult Upload(IFormFile file)
    // File upload logic

3. File Size Limit: Set a maximum file-size limit to prevent huge uploads that could lead to DoS attacks.

[RequestSizeLimit(10 * 1024)] // Limit file size to 10 KB
public IActionResult Upload(IFormFile file)
    // File upload logic

4. Randomized File Names: Generate random filenames for uploaded files before saving them to prevent overwriting existing files.

string uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + file.FileName;

By implementing these measures, you can significantly enhance the security of your ASP.NET Core application against file upload vulnerabilities. Additionally, consider using form file attribute decorators to simplify validation, making your code cleaner and more maintainable.


File uploads are every day in web applications but have inherent security risks. Understanding these risks and implementing robust security measures is essential to protect your ASP.NET Core application and its users. By following best practices for authentication, authorization, file extension validation, size limits, and filename randomization, you can create a safer and more secure environment for file uploads in your application. Please stay vigilant and prioritize security in your development process to ensure it's a good time for you.

Exploring Common Security Vulnerabilities: Unmasking Injection Attacks in ASP.NET Core


Understanding and defending against common security vulnerabilities is paramount in the ever-evolving web application security landscape. Injection attacks are among the most prevalent and potentially devastating of these vulnerabilities. In this article, we'll explore injection attacks in the context of ASP.NET Core and learn how to safeguard our applications.

What Are Injection Attacks?

Injection attacks are a class of security vulnerabilities where malicious data is introduced into an application, often by manipulating user inputs. The attacker aims to trick the application into executing unintended commands or accessing unauthorized data. Common types of injection attacks include SQL injection, command injection, CRLF injection, LDAP injection, and cross-site scripting (XSS).

SQL Injection: A Closer Look

SQL injection (SQLi) is a well-known attack targeting the application's database. Attackers exploit SQLi by injecting malicious SQL code into user inputs, typically in search fields, login forms, or any place where user-provided data is incorporated into SQL queries.

Consider this vulnerable ASP.NET Core code snippet:

public IActionResult GetUser(string username)
    // Vulnerable SQL query
    string query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = '" + username + "'";
    // Execute the query
    var user = _dbContext.Users.FromSqlRaw(query).FirstOrDefault();
    // ...

In this code, the username parameter is directly concatenated into the SQL query string, making it susceptible to SQL injection. An attacker could input malicious SQL code into the username field and compromise the database.

Prevention: Parameterized Queries

To defend against SQL injection, always use parameterized queries or an ORM like Entity Framework Core. Here's a secure version of the code:

public IActionResult GetUser(string username)
    var user = _dbContext.Users
        .FromSqlInterpolated($"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = {username}")
    // ...

With parameterized queries, user input is treated as data, not executable code. This approach safeguards your application against SQL injection attacks.

Command Injection: Executing System Commands

Command injection is another attack vector where attackers exploit applications that execute system commands. They inject malicious command-line instructions into user inputs, tricking the application into running unauthorized commands on the host system.

Vulnerable Code Example:

public IActionResult ExecuteCommand(string input)
    // Vulnerable command execution
    var process = new Process
        StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
            FileName = "cmd.exe",
            Arguments = "/C " + input,
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            UseShellExecute = false,
            CreateNoWindow = true
    string result = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
    return Content(result);

In this code, the input variable is directly concatenated into the command, making it susceptible to command injection. An attacker could inject malicious commands, potentially compromising the host system.

Prevention: Input Validation and Safe Execution

To prevent command injection, validate and sanitize user input and use safe execution mechanisms. Here's an example:

public IActionResult ExecuteCommand(string input)
    // Safe command execution
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input) && input.All(char.IsLetterOrDigit))
        // Execute the command
        // ...
        return BadRequest("Invalid input.");
    // ...

By validating and sanitizing user input and restricting command execution to trusted operations, you can mitigate the risk of command injection attacks.

CRLF Injection: Manipulating HTTP Requests

CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) injection attacks target HTTP requests and responses. Attackers inject special characters into user inputs to manipulate the headers and content of HTTP requests, potentially causing various issues on the server.

Vulnerable Code Example:

public IActionResult ProcessRequest(string input)
    // Vulnerable CRLF injection
    string response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
    response += "Content-Length: " + input.Length + "\r\n\r\n";
    response += input;
    return Content(response);

In this code, the input variable is incorporated into the HTTP response without proper validation, making it susceptible to CRLF injection. An attacker could inject malicious characters to alter the response headers.

Prevention: Proper Input Validation and Output Encoding

To prevent CRLF injection, validate user inputs and use proper output encoding when constructing HTTP responses. Here's a secure version of the code:

public IActionResult ProcessRequest(string input)
    // Secure CRLF prevention
    if (input.Contains("\r") || input.Contains("\n"))
        return BadRequest("Invalid input.");
    string response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
    response += "Content-Length: " + input.Length + "\r\n\r\n";
    response += input;
    return Content(response);

You can mitigate the risk of CRLF injection attacks by properly validating and encoding user inputs.

LDAP Injection: Manipulating LDAP Queries

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) injection attacks target applications interacting with LDAP directories. Attackers inject malicious LDAP statements into user inputs, attempting to manipulate directory queries and potentially access sensitive data.

Vulnerable Code Example:

public IActionResult SearchUser(string username)
    // Vulnerable LDAP query
    string query = "(uid=" + username + ")";
    var entry = _ldapConnection.Search(query);
    // ...

In this code, the username parameter is directly concatenated into the LDAP query string, making it susceptible to LDAP injection. An attacker could input malicious LDAP statements, potentially compromising the LDAP directory.

Prevention: Parameterized LDAP Queries

To prevent LDAP injection, use parameterized LDAP queries with proper input validation. Here's a secure version of the code:

public IActionResult SearchUser(string username)
    // Secure LDAP query
    var searchFilter = new SearchFilter
        Filter = $"(uid={username})"
    var searchRequest = new SearchRequest("ou=users,dc=example,dc=com", searchFilter);
    var response = _ldapConnection.SendRequest(searchRequest) as SearchResponse;
    // ...

By using parameterized LDAP queries and validating user inputs, you can safeguard your application against LDAP injection attacks.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and More

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) entails attackers injecting client-side code into web applications through input or text areas. This malicious code can then execute in the context of other users' browsers, potentially leading to data theft, session hijacking, and more.

Understanding Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

In cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, attackers inject malicious scripts (usually JavaScript) into web pages viewed by other users. These scripts can steal sensitive information, manipulate web content, or perform actions on behalf of the victim user.

Reflected XSS

Reflected XSS occurs when an application includes unvalidated or unencoded user input in the HTML response. Attackers craft URLs containing malicious payloads, and when unsuspecting users click these links, the script executes in their browsers.

Here's a vulnerable ASP.NET Core

A code snippet that reflects user input without proper encoding:

public IActionResult GreetUser(string name)
    ViewData["Greeting"] = $"Hello, {name}!";
    return View();

In this code, the name parameter is directly included in the HTML response without encoding, making it vulnerable to reflected XSS attacks.

Prevention: Output Encoding

To prevent reflected XSS, always encode user-generated content before rendering it in HTML responses. In ASP.NET Core, you can use the HtmlEncoder class:

public IActionResult GreetUser(string name)
    ViewData["Greeting"] = $"Hello, {HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(name)}!";
    return View();

Encoding user inputs ensures that any injected scripts are treated as plain text, thwarting XSS attacks.

Stored XSS

Stored XSS occurs when an attacker stores a malicious script on a server, which is later served to other users who view the compromised page. It's hazardous as it can affect multiple users.

Here's a vulnerable code snippet that stores and serves user input without proper encoding:

public IActionResult PostComment(string comment)
    // Vulnerable code
    return RedirectToAction("Index");

In this code, user comments are stored without encoding, making it possible for attackers to inject malicious scripts into comments.

Prevention: Input Validation and Output Encoding

To prevent stored XSS, validate and sanitize user-generated content and always encode it when rendering in HTML responses. Here's a secure version of the code:

public IActionResult PostComment(string comment)
    // Secure code
    var sanitizedComment = HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(comment);
    return RedirectToAction("Index");

By validating, sanitizing, and encoding user inputs, you can protect your application against stored XSS attacks.


In exploring common security vulnerabilities, we've covered many injection attacks, from SQL injection to cross-site scripting (XSS). Understanding these vulnerabilities and implementing best practices for prevention is crucial in ensuring the security of your ASP.NET Core applications.

Security is an ongoing process; staying informed about the latest threats and mitigation techniques is essential. By following secure coding practices, validating and sanitizing user inputs, and employing proper output encoding, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to injection attacks and other security vulnerabilities. Stay vigilant, and keep your applications safe and secure.

Exploring Common Security Vulnerabilities: A Comprehensive Guide


Security vulnerabilities are software or hardware systems weaknesses that malicious actors can exploit to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or compromise a system's integrity. This article will delve into common security vulnerabilities and learn how to safeguard our applications against threats. We will start by exploring injection attacks and then move on to other prevalent vulnerabilities, emphasizing the importance of awareness and proactive prevention.

Understanding Injection Attacks:

Injection attacks represent a significant threat in the cybersecurity landscape. They encompass various attack types, including SQL, command, CRLF, and LDAP injections.

  •  SQL Injection: This attack involves injecting malicious SQL code into an application to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data stored in a database. It can have severe consequences for data security.
  •  Command Injection: Malevolent users inject command-line commands into a vulnerable application, aiming to execute them within the operating system. This attack can lead to unauthorized system access or system damage.
  •  CRLF Injection: By injecting special characters into an HTTP request, attackers manipulate the request, causing damage to the server.
  •  LDAP Injection: Malicious LDAP statements are injected into an application to manipulate the LDAP directory.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each of these injection types and explore strategies for their prevention.

File Upload Attacks:

File upload attacks involve malicious files uploaded to a system, potentially compromising security. For instance, imagine a scenario where a user is asked to submit their CV via a web form, but instead of a legitimate document, a malicious file is uploaded.

Authentication Attacks:

Authentication attacks, often called brute force or guessing attacks, occur when an attacker repeatedly attempts to guess a user's password by submitting numerous authentication requests. A standard preventive measure is to limit the number of wrong attempts a user can make, locking the account after a specific threshold, like five failed login attempts.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF/XSRF):

Cross-site scripting (XSS) entails attackers injecting client-side code into web applications through input or text areas. In contrast, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF/XSRF) involves using a user's authenticated session to send unauthorized requests. Both of these vulnerabilities can lead to various security breaches.

The Same-Origin Policy and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS):

Attackers can leverage third-party application tools to access your application, violating the same-origin policy and potentially compromising the security of your system. Understanding and implementing CORS effectively is crucial to mitigate this threat.


This article overviews the top five common vulnerability attacks that can pose significant risks to your applications and systems. In subsequent sections, we will explore these vulnerabilities in greater detail, offering insights into prevention strategies and best practices for enhancing cybersecurity. Stay tuned for a deep dive into the world of security.